Last weekend my DH and I went to Greenville, NC to visit my daughter.
I wanted to go to Greenville because the quilt guild there was having a quilt show. My DH wanted to go because my daughter had signed him up for a 10K race for Habitat for Humanity. I was not sure that my daughter should race because she had a terrible cold and I did not think my husband should race because he had not trained at all.
I was proven wrong because my daughter placed third in her age group, my husband placed first in his age group and 14th overall in the whole race. They both came home with medals.
I did enjoy the Greenville show. It was a beautiful Spring day and the ornamental pear trees were just beautiful. I do enjoy the Spring with new growth everywhere.
Remember to thread your needle every day!
Well done in winning the SewCalGal Designer Challenge. The tree is beautiful! We don't have any here.